The second Đerdap power plant in two weeks of December exceeded the annual generation record from 2014 and generated 1,646,032 MWh. Both the readiness of the power plant and excellent hydrology work in its favour. As forecasted, by the end of the calendar year, ten units will generate 5,000 - 5,500 MWh daily, so it is expected that power generation will exceed 1,700,000 MWh. This is supported by the commissioning of the A7 unit, whose overhaul was completed fifteen days ahead of schedule and which will set new records with an additional 500-600 MWh on a daily basis. The success is even greater if it is taken into account that Đerdap 2 HPP is in its thirty-eighth year of operation and the units are at the end of their operational life.
“In March of this year, 173,774 MWh were generated, which is the highest monthly generation of Đerdap 2 HPP, and on 6 March 2023, 6,220 MWh of electricity were generated, which is the largest daily generation in the history of the power plant”, recalled Radomir Mitrović, Director of Power Generation of the Đerdap HPP Branch.