Half a million users of “View your bill” portal

Increasing number of “Elektroprivrede Srbije” application and portal users

There are more and more users of “View your bill” application and portal and their number has exceeded half a million. This service of “Elektroprivrede Srbije” is estimated by the customers as very useful, and using the portal is simple, as well as the processes of registering and signing in.

Since the “View your bill” portal and application have been launched, all customers may easily and quickly receive their bills, immediately after creation and before the traditional sending by mail. Citizens can also pay the bill via application, i.e. portal, via the instant payment system (IPS scan) or payment cards. Citizens point out that saving time is crucial because the entire procedure takes just a few seconds, there is no need to go to the post office or bank, waiting in line and entering data on the payment slip.

All users have at their own availability very important information regarding consumption. Additional functions of the portal enable insight into the archived bills and payments from the previous years, as well as a detailed overview of the consumption per zones and tariffs. Besides the bills and kWh consumption, there is a quick link to practical advice for electricity savings.

At the same time, there is an increasing number of users who have opted to receive the electricity bills by electronic way exclusively, rather than receiving the paper form bills and thus contributing to environmental improvements. They will have a 50-dinar discount right from the very first next bill.
