RSD 32.8 billion profit, necessary savings and project speed up

EPS JSC Assembly adopted the Business Report for the first six months of 2024.

Assembly of the Joint Stock Company Elektroprivreda Srbije adopted the Three-Year Business Plan Implementation Report for the first six months of 2024 and the profit gained amounted to RSD 32.8 billion and was higher than planned by RSD 9.4 billion. Dubravka Đedović Handanović, Minister of Mining and Energy and representative of the founder in EPS JSC Assembly, highlighted the importance of such financial relust achieved during the period of significant electricity price reduction for commercial customers and, at the same time, the necessity of proceeding with reduction of operational costs in the forthcoming period, with key acceleration of capital projects for coal and energy production. – In the first half of the year, coal production and electricity generation were stable and as provided by the plan, while at Kolubara open cast mines of Polje G and Tamnava-Zapadno polje even exceeded the plan. Positive thing is that the production of tailings is higher compared to 2023 by eight percent, which creates the conditions for the future coal production. Costs of procurement of external coal are also lower, although there are still those unprofessional and malicious claiming the opposite. It is also insisted on losses in power trading, but the results are obvious – EPS gained EUR 23 million profit in power trading at the free market during the period of six months – said Đedović Handanović. EPS hydro and RES electricity generation share reached 37.5 percent in the first half of the year, when coal stocks and reserves in reservoirs were preserved, which, along with overhauls and modernizations, represent an additional guarantee for safe and reliable production. - Most of the overhaul work has been done in order to prepare for the winter season, but there is still a lot of work to be done and that is why dedicated and even more active engagement is needed in overhauls and revitalizations, as well as in new capital projects. Operational tests in the new B3 unit in Kostolac are underway, and following the results so far, EPS should take it over in October, which will provide us with additional security before winter. We continue the implementation of EPS Transformation Plan which changes the organizational structure and improves operational processes. It is necessary to speed up activities in this field as well – explained Đedović Handanović.
