The future – an opportunity for better achievements

Miners Day traditionally celebrated in Kostolac

Mining has been the electricity generation key pillar in Elektroprivreda Srbije for decades, and our Kolubara mining basin and Drmno open cast mine in Kostolac represent an example of how to overcome difficult situations together and to achieve results – said Dušan Živković, General Manager of the Joint Stock Company Elektroprivreda Srbije, during the ceremony of celebration of the Miners Day in Kostolac. Živković thanked the employees working in the mining sector for their expertise, knowledge and everyday hard work throughout the year, regardless of the weather conditions: extreme heat, snow, ice or rain. - Regardless of all the challenges, especially in the energy sector, the times we live in provides us with a unique opportunity to achieve better results, improve the business of Elektroprivreda Srbije and achieve a common goal – a modern and successful EPS. Each of us has his own important task on such path and I believe that together we can achieve success as we have done so far. By signing a special collective agreement yesterday, conditions were created for the medium-term stability of electricity generation, the status of employees and better times ahead of us – said the General Manager of EPS JSC. Wreaths laying ceremony at Miner's Memorial in Stari Kostolac was held in honour of the generations who worked in the former underground and current surface lignite mines. Wreaths were laid by Veljko Kovačević and Stefan Srbljanović, State Secretaries in the Ministry of Mining and Energy, Milan Novaković, Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Mining and Energy, Dušan Živković, General Manager of EPS JSC, Zoran Milošević, Director of Coal Production in TE-KO Kostolac Branch, representatives of Kostolac trade union, Saša Pavlović, the mayor of Požarevac and Serdžo Krstanoski, president of Kostolac City Municipality with associates. Miloš Suzić, a young mining engineer from TE-KO Kostolac, pointed out that coal production at Drmno open cast mine was stable, and that the technology was rapidly modernized and automated. - We are successfully implementing the production policy of Elektroprivreda Srbije and supplying the thermal units. Our commitment to this work is permeated with new power capacities, first of all with the newly built B3 unit which is an important leverage for the development of the entire country, but also with green energy through the construction of the wind farm and solar power plant – said Suzić. – Each time brings new challenges, and ours are technological modernization, stable production and safe electricity supply to the citizens of Serbia. We will continue the tradition and build a new, modern future for future generations.
