Growing number of prosumers, EPS supports all

From the Conference Prosumers Two Years Later

There is increasing interest and growth in the number of prosumers from renewable sources, and in two years Elektroprivreda Srbije has signed more than 3,400 contracts for about 53 megawatts of power and an impressive 20 million kilowatt-hours of delivered green energy until now - said Milan Radunović, Adviser to General Director of Elektroprivreda Srbije at the conference Prosumers Two Years Later.

He emphasized that according to the latest data, 2,400 households installed solar panels on the roofs of their houses, and more than 930 production facilities in the economy sector installed solar systems for their needs. Solar panels were installed by many institutions, schools, kindergartens, student centres, monasteries, institutes with subsidies from local governments. Recently, the first real residential community in Niš was added.

- EPS will always be a support for citizens and prosumers - said Radunović.

Ivana Đorđević, Head of Prosumers Department at EPS, pointed out that this concept changed the way of thinking about the production and consumption of electricity and created a new dynamic in the way energy is consumed and created.

- In these two years, we have gone through teething troubles together and responded to the challenges. The laws were amended and harmonized in the interest of prosumers, and the changes in the calculations enabled an average monthly saving of up to 1,500 dinars per household compared to the previous period, i.e. tax expenditures are now 30 percent lower compared to the period before the changes - said Djordjevic. - EPS strived to do a lot to motivate customers. Those who opt for electronic invoice delivery have 50 dinars discount every month and more than 700 household prosumers are using it. We also offered 5 percent discount on consumed electricity to prosumers from the household category for regular payment of bills.

Maja Vukadinović, the Assistant to the Minister of Mining and Energy for energy efficiency and climate change, pointed out that compared to the period a year and a half ago, the number of prosumers increased seven times, and the power of facilities increased by 8.5 times.

- This concept is useful for households and the economy, but also for the state, and is one of the tools to involve a large number of citizens in the energy transition and to be efficient and successful in that process - said Vukadinović. - Through the planned amendments to the Energy Law, during this year, we will establish a legal framework for active customers, and we will enable the industry to use the produced green energy for its own needs and sell the surplus on the market. We will establish a certification system for installers of solar systems, heat pumps and other RES systems and we will ensure a uniform and standardized quality of services on the market for citizens and the economy.

She also announced that the connection procedure will be improved, especially at the distribution level.
