Greater share of green energy for the new EPS

The Minister of Mining and Energy visited the construction site of the Kostolac Wind Farm


The Kostolac wind farm is a true example of how an old mining dump site can be used for renewable energy projects. With this project and the Petka solar power plant, developed on a nearby old dump site, we are creating the conditions for a new Elektroprivreda Srbije - Dubravka Đedović Handanović, Minister of Mining and Energy said after visiting the construction site of the Kostolac wind farm, the first wind farm of EPS. She visited the works at the locations of the future wind farm Ćirikovac and Klenovnik with acting general director of Elektroprivreda Srbije, Dušan Živković and mayor of Požarevac, Saša Pavlović.

- The Ministry of Mining and Energy will, as before, closely monitor the continuation of wind farm construction. There were some delays due to postponed design deadlines. The state has completed its work regarding permits for the time being and it is now up to the contractor to complete the work within the stipulated timeframe. All site and access roads have been completed, while foundations and platforms work is underway. Part of the equipment has already arrived, while the rest is on its way from Spain, Turkey, and China. We expect the installation of towers, blades, and wind generators to begin in the summer so that we can have a new wind farm online at the beginning of next year - Đedović Handanović said.

Dušan Živković, acting general director of EPS, emphasized that the wind farm of 20 wind generators, with a capacity of 66 MW, will generate electricity for 30,000 households.

- The investment is valued at EUR 144 million, of which EPS allocated EUR 32.2 million, grants from the European Union amount to EUR 30 million, while KfW Bank extended a loan of EUR 80 million including a grant of EUR 1.8 million. This project is part of the changes in the generation portfolio of EPS, i.e., part of one of the most important development tasks of the company, which is to increase the share of renewable energy sources - Živković said.

Speaking about the importance of wind farm construction for Kostolac and Požarevac, the mayor of Požarevac Saša Pavlović reminded that the wind farm is only one of the projects implemented by the Ministry of Mining and Energy and EPS in that part of Serbia.

- Many investments have already been realized, and many more are in progress, such as the new unit B3 of the Kostolac B thermal power plant, demonstrating that the first significant expansion of energy capacities is taking place in Kostolac. We also owe immense gratitude to the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Mining and Energy for the construction of the Požarevac 2 substation - Pavlović said.
