Dušan Živković, General Manager of EPS JSC, visited Unit B3 in Kostolac

Testing in progress, unit takeover in October

Equipment testing of the new B3 unit at the Kostolac B thermal power plant is underway before the trial operation, which implies operating at full capacity online for 168 hours, while the goal is to demonstrate that all systems are fully operational. The next steps are guarantee tests that will show the functional characteristics of the unit, creating conditions for Elektroprivreda Srbije to take over this newly built 350 MW unit in October and to get a new capacity in its power portfolio – Dušan Živković, General Manager of Elektroprivreda Srbije said during the visit of the B3 unit. He emphasized that in terms of equipment quality, environmental protection levels, system safety, and grid connection, the B3 unit has met high quality standards. - Once it has been commissioned, it is expected that we will have the best unit in the power system of Serbia in terms of parameters and quality – Živković said. Dejan Ostojić, a member of the Supervisory Board of EPS JSC, after visiting the B3 unit, said that this is a big step not only for Elektroprivreda Srbije, but also for the energy security of Serbia and all consumers, especially since this is the largest unit built after several decades. - Efficiency of this unit makes it possible to generate 2,000 gigawatt-hours per year. This will be reliable energy that will replace lower efficiency units. By doing so, we reduce environmental emissions and get the highest quality energy – Ostojić said. –Commissioning of this unit will create 160 jobs for the next few decades, which additionally ensures the economic life of this region. The visit was attended by Veljko Kovačević and Stefan Srbljanović, State Secretaries at the Ministry of Mining and Energy, as well as by the members of the Executive Board of EPS JSC.
